Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family and greetings t0 0thers.,,
y0u kn0w what.,, I'm n0t g0ning t0 be s00 strait b0ut grammar fr0m n0w 0n.,, and write as I like.,, why.,?? ask ummar.,, ahakz.,, s0.,, I will be writiNg iN manglish after this.,, and I d0nt kn0w until when.,, but still.,, da trluper jap.,, aim d0lu2.,, ahakz.,,
well.,, f0r th0se yaNg ske bce bahasa2 santai ny.,, mmg I t0tally rec0mmeNd you t0 bce kakak Ummar Nyerw bl0g.,, she have a really great seNse 0f bahasa.,, bahasa dier mmg lwk2.,, pergh.,, best uh ( fr0m my P0V yerrw.,, klu you tasuke.,, laNtak you uh.,,) s0.,, ble da tgk bl0g 0wg leN hbt cam tue ann.,, trgrk hati kechil kte yg hapens t0 be slaluNyer very the keras 0ne.,, but still it m0ved t0 try a new style 0f writing.,, (h0pe you like it) c0z I kn0w kat luar tue.,, pergh mmg rmi yg ta bape minat this kind 0f style 0f writiNg.,, but.,, aslkn aderw 0wg bce.,, well thats fine with me.,, kay uh.,, da mlm da ny.,, need t0 tit0 lah eyk.,, s0.,, nyte2.,,
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family aNd greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
Pergh.,, This is 0ne 0ut 0f the w0rld m0vie.,!!! weNt t0 watch it 0n the premire day.,, third sh0w.,, with my frieNds.,, the effect was bedazzliNg., the pl0t was heart-st0ppiNg.,, after the m0vie ended my friends aNd I caNt st0p thiNkiNg b0ut it.,, we did even imagiNed the st0ry.,, we just caNt let it 0ut 0f 0ur head.,, I tell you.,, you need t0 see this m0vie.,, really2 need t0 watch it.,,!! it's the best m0vie ever f0r this 2nd half 0f the year.,,
Its a st0ry b0ut a man Named Jake Sully.,, replaced his twiN br0ther's place as the driver 0f Avatar.,, a mixture 0f human genes and the Na'vi's., they were c0ntr0led by using humans mind.,, f0r Jake.,, t0 get be able t0 walk agaiN after a marine disaster.,, it was like a dream c0mes true.,, he was selected due t0 the same genes.,, thus jake can access this avatar.,
theN he went f0r his 1st field w0rk.,, unf0rtunately.,, he was l0st.,, 0r rather chased by a Pand0ra's m0nster t0 death until he was l0st.,, then he was saved by a Na'vi next Tsahik named Neytiri.,, then the peri0d 0f learNing.,, the understaNding.,, the l0ve.,, everything bl0ss0ms.,, gr0ws.,, but.,, there was a slight speck 0f mud that ruined everything.,, the ub0tanium (can't remember the spelling.,,) that s0ld 20 milli0n bucks f0r a kil0., that was the 0nly reas0n humans invaded Pand0ra.,, Jake Sully is in this.,,
Pergh.,, This is 0ne 0ut 0f the w0rld m0vie.,!!! weNt t0 watch it 0n the premire day.,, third sh0w.,, with my frieNds.,, the effect was bedazzliNg., the pl0t was heart-st0ppiNg.,, after the m0vie ended my friends aNd I caNt st0p thiNkiNg b0ut it.,, we did even imagiNed the st0ry.,, we just caNt let it 0ut 0f 0ur head.,, I tell you.,, you need t0 see this m0vie.,, really2 need t0 watch it.,,!! it's the best m0vie ever f0r this 2nd half 0f the year.,,
Its a st0ry b0ut a man Named Jake Sully.,, replaced his twiN br0ther's place as the driver 0f Avatar.,, a mixture 0f human genes and the Na'vi's., they were c0ntr0led by using humans mind.,, f0r Jake.,, t0 get be able t0 walk agaiN after a marine disaster.,, it was like a dream c0mes true.,, he was selected due t0 the same genes.,, thus jake can access this avatar.,
theN he went f0r his 1st field w0rk.,, unf0rtunately.,, he was l0st.,, 0r rather chased by a Pand0ra's m0nster t0 death until he was l0st.,, then he was saved by a Na'vi next Tsahik named Neytiri.,, then the peri0d 0f learNing.,, the understaNding.,, the l0ve.,, everything bl0ss0ms.,, gr0ws.,, but.,, there was a slight speck 0f mud that ruined everything.,, the ub0tanium (can't remember the spelling.,,) that s0ld 20 milli0n bucks f0r a kil0., that was the 0nly reas0n humans invaded Pand0ra.,, Jake Sully is in this.,,
Pemikiran dan Pandangan Peribadi
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
ThaNk G0d.,!!!
Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family and greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,
well I've g0t a great news t0 tell.,, well its a pers0nal thing really.,, n0ne 0f you will be s000oo interested t0 what I'm g0ing t0 say.,, but I want it t0 be a p0st.,, s0.,, this is it.,,
0n 14 of december, 5.10 pm. my father delivered a great news ab0ut us fr0m The H0ly Land, Makkah., he said that..,,
"To wife, Amirul & Amirah: Alhamdulillah, Amirah dah dpt tkar ke MRSM KKB. Lapor diri 4 Jan. 4 Jan! Happy birthday to you... Tlg gi amik srat di Palladium."
s0.,, thats it.,, we are g0ing t0 the same sch0ol again.,, as we already did thr0ugh out 0ur study at Sek0lah Kebangsaan Jalan Gurney (2).,, s0.,, watch out F2.,, there are al0t 0f your frieNds that have their siblings in the c0llege.,, and I'm planning t0 keep an eye 0n my sis.,, thus., if I heard any0ne.,, I mean ANY0NE.,, hurts her.,, especially her feeliNgs.,, you are g0ing t0 HELL.,!! s0 you better watch out.,,
well I've g0t a great news t0 tell.,, well its a pers0nal thing really.,, n0ne 0f you will be s000oo interested t0 what I'm g0ing t0 say.,, but I want it t0 be a p0st.,, s0.,, this is it.,,
0n 14 of december, 5.10 pm. my father delivered a great news ab0ut us fr0m The H0ly Land, Makkah., he said that..,,
"To wife, Amirul & Amirah: Alhamdulillah, Amirah dah dpt tkar ke MRSM KKB. Lapor diri 4 Jan. 4 Jan! Happy birthday to you... Tlg gi amik srat di Palladium."
s0.,, thats it.,, we are g0ing t0 the same sch0ol again.,, as we already did thr0ugh out 0ur study at Sek0lah Kebangsaan Jalan Gurney (2).,, s0.,, watch out F2.,, there are al0t 0f your frieNds that have their siblings in the c0llege.,, and I'm planning t0 keep an eye 0n my sis.,, thus., if I heard any0ne.,, I mean ANY0NE.,, hurts her.,, especially her feeliNgs.,, you are g0ing t0 HELL.,!! s0 you better watch out.,,
Anekdot Kehidupan
Monday, December 14, 2009
A Wh0le New Adventure.,,
Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family aNd greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
sleep a bit late t0day.,, tryiNg t0 fiNish this extremely super ultra-unpreferable supplemeNt t0 gaiN weight 30 mins b4 I'll g0 t0 sleep.,, well.,, b0ught new b00ks t0day.,, t0 be precise a new installmeNt 0f the Alex Rider Series by Anth0ny H0r0witz.,, The b0ok is Alex Rider: Crocodile Tears.,, s0uNds 'W0W' t0 me.,, and Maskulin mag.,,
Well., I've plaNned t0 start d0iNg my h0mew0rk (that have been aband0ned f0r s000 l0ng h0pe it d0esn't have any spiders.,, c0bweb.,, 0r dec0mp0sed) this m0rNiN.,, a wh0le new adventure.,, ahakz.,, Yeah, it is you kn0w. C0z I've never ever tried t0 finish my h0mew0rks full-heartedly.,, but n0w.,, after I received the result.,, I think it's better f0r me t0 d0 s0me w0rks.,, suits my PNG.,,
And I planned t0 start t0 be in the m0de 0f BWP agaiN.,, c0z I need t0 thiNk 0f s0methiNg f0r the c0llege., as stated by Pn. Disdi.,, I'm resp0nsible f0r EVERY 0ccasian that inv0lves the c0llege.,, thus if any BWPs waNt t0 d0 any eveNt.,, acc0rding t0 the pr0cedures.,, they need t0 c0unt me in.,, if they n0t.,, I will give them a very harsh tyme.,, after teachers gave me theirs.,, s0 BWPs.,, mark my w0rds.,,
I'm pretty seri0us b0ut this.,,
Apart fr0m h0mew0rks.,, I thiNk I've prepared myself.,, (mentally.,, t0 be exact) t0 enc0unter my trainer this week with a high enthusiasm.,, this is because 0n the last sessi0n with him was like The Biggest l0ser.,, I didn't manage t0 d0 the w0rk0ut as I was tw0 weeks ag0.,, s0 he yelled.,, he raised his v0ice.,, he pushed me.,, AARRGGHH.,!! it's just s0 hard., n0w I'm a fast fatigue pers0n.,, I sweat al0t t00.,, (yuck.,!!) and the m0st vital part is thinking I 0nly have a c0uple 0f weeks bef0re returNing t0 that life threateNing hauNted maNsi0n agaiN.,,
S0 I will eat a l0t 0f f0od fr0m n0w 0n.,, 'a l0t' means 6 tymes a day.,, every siNgle meal is like a luNch that c0nsist A LOT of pr0teins.,, I waNted t0 sh0w my c0llege-mate that I CAN have athletic b0dy like them.,, I'm a n0 stranger in their w0rld.,, maybe my way isn't the same way they achieve that s0-called-buff b0dy.,, but we did get the same result.,, arent we.,?? BTW.,, I want t0 represeNt my h0use these year for l0mpat jauh.,, last year.,, I'm 0ne 0f the furtherst you kn0w.,, but sadly I'm 0NE 0f the furthest.,, n0t the furthest.,,
My weight n0w is 55.2 on the last weighing.,, and the 1st day I arrived at h0me last m0nth I weigh 51.7.,, thus., I did managed t0 gain 3.5kg in 25 days sincee n0vember 19.,, aNd I planned t0 get bigger.,!! I pray t0 G0d that my aim aNd my wish will bec0me true.,,
sleep a bit late t0day.,, tryiNg t0 fiNish this extremely super ultra-unpreferable supplemeNt t0 gaiN weight 30 mins b4 I'll g0 t0 sleep.,, well.,, b0ught new b00ks t0day.,, t0 be precise a new installmeNt 0f the Alex Rider Series by Anth0ny H0r0witz.,, The b0ok is Alex Rider: Crocodile Tears.,, s0uNds 'W0W' t0 me.,, and Maskulin mag.,,
Well., I've plaNned t0 start d0iNg my h0mew0rk (that have been aband0ned f0r s000 l0ng h0pe it d0esn't have any spiders.,, c0bweb.,, 0r dec0mp0sed) this m0rNiN.,, a wh0le new adventure.,, ahakz.,, Yeah, it is you kn0w. C0z I've never ever tried t0 finish my h0mew0rks full-heartedly.,, but n0w.,, after I received the result.,, I think it's better f0r me t0 d0 s0me w0rks.,, suits my PNG.,,
And I planned t0 start t0 be in the m0de 0f BWP agaiN.,, c0z I need t0 thiNk 0f s0methiNg f0r the c0llege., as stated by Pn. Disdi.,, I'm resp0nsible f0r EVERY 0ccasian that inv0lves the c0llege.,, thus if any BWPs waNt t0 d0 any eveNt.,, acc0rding t0 the pr0cedures.,, they need t0 c0unt me in.,, if they n0t.,, I will give them a very harsh tyme.,, after teachers gave me theirs.,, s0 BWPs.,, mark my w0rds.,,
I'm pretty seri0us b0ut this.,,
Apart fr0m h0mew0rks.,, I thiNk I've prepared myself.,, (mentally.,, t0 be exact) t0 enc0unter my trainer this week with a high enthusiasm.,, this is because 0n the last sessi0n with him was like The Biggest l0ser.,, I didn't manage t0 d0 the w0rk0ut as I was tw0 weeks ag0.,, s0 he yelled.,, he raised his v0ice.,, he pushed me.,, AARRGGHH.,!! it's just s0 hard., n0w I'm a fast fatigue pers0n.,, I sweat al0t t00.,, (yuck.,!!) and the m0st vital part is thinking I 0nly have a c0uple 0f weeks bef0re returNing t0 that life threateNing hauNted maNsi0n agaiN.,,
S0 I will eat a l0t 0f f0od fr0m n0w 0n.,, 'a l0t' means 6 tymes a day.,, every siNgle meal is like a luNch that c0nsist A LOT of pr0teins.,, I waNted t0 sh0w my c0llege-mate that I CAN have athletic b0dy like them.,, I'm a n0 stranger in their w0rld.,, maybe my way isn't the same way they achieve that s0-called-buff b0dy.,, but we did get the same result.,, arent we.,?? BTW.,, I want t0 represeNt my h0use these year for l0mpat jauh.,, last year.,, I'm 0ne 0f the furtherst you kn0w.,, but sadly I'm 0NE 0f the furthest.,, n0t the furthest.,,
My weight n0w is 55.2 on the last weighing.,, and the 1st day I arrived at h0me last m0nth I weigh 51.7.,, thus., I did managed t0 gain 3.5kg in 25 days sincee n0vember 19.,, aNd I planned t0 get bigger.,!! I pray t0 G0d that my aim aNd my wish will bec0me true.,,
Anekdot Kehidupan
Friday, December 11, 2009
Assalamualaikum to my moslem family and greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
Muhammad Amirulhisham Bin Mohd Badrulhisham
Sapphire B MA
Tingkatan 4 Semester 2, 2009
Sains Tulen
Bahasa Melayu = 75 (A)
Bahasa Inggeris = 65 (B)
Pendidikan Agama Islam = 74 (B)
Sejarah = 85 (A)
Matematik = 80 (A)
Matematik Tambahan = 50 (B)
Sivik = 88 (A)
Fizik = 73 (B+)
Kimia = 77 (A)
Biologi = 70 (B+)
Pend. Jasmani dan Kesihatan = 78 (A)
Sains Komputer = 62 (L)
Senireka = 85 (L)
Purata Nilai Gred Semester Ini = 3.57
Purata Nilai Gred Semua Semester = 3.37
Catatan = Penghormatan Pengetua
Muhammad Amirulhisham Bin Mohd Badrulhisham
Sapphire B MA
Tingkatan 4 Semester 2, 2009
Sains Tulen
Bahasa Melayu = 75 (A)
Bahasa Inggeris = 65 (B)
Pendidikan Agama Islam = 74 (B)
Sejarah = 85 (A)
Matematik = 80 (A)
Matematik Tambahan = 50 (B)
Sivik = 88 (A)
Fizik = 73 (B+)
Kimia = 77 (A)
Biologi = 70 (B+)
Pend. Jasmani dan Kesihatan = 78 (A)
Sains Komputer = 62 (L)
Senireka = 85 (L)
Purata Nilai Gred Semester Ini = 3.57
Purata Nilai Gred Semua Semester = 3.37
Catatan = Penghormatan Pengetua
Anekdot Kehidupan
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family aNd greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
Just want t0 wish.,,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIFF NAZMI a.k.a. Cikgu/fly/german/ir0nmen.,,!!!
Just want t0 wish.,,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIFF NAZMI a.k.a. Cikgu/fly/german/ir0nmen.,,!!!
Ceritera Rakan-Rakanku
Monday, November 30, 2009
Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family and greetings t0 the 0thers.,,
I dun really n0e y I p0st diz.,, but I th0ught b0ut it N decide t0 p0st samtiN like diz wheN I was j0ggiNg diz m0rN.,, 1st n 4most.,, N0w.,, I w0uld like U 2 g0 2 y0utube N search 4 these s0ngs.,, remember d0it N0W.,! "True Friend Hannah Montana" or simply g0 2 diz link.,,,, while listeNing t0 the s0ng.,, u can read my post.,,
A FrieNd to me is s0me 0ne wh0 is always there f0r you n0 matter in happy times 0r sad times 0r eveN just a plaiN b0riNg situati0n.,, but he 0 she was the alright.,, I w0uld like t0 rephrase a saying fr0m s0me 0ne that is fam0us with his yell0w hair.,, baggy tr0users., red shirt aNd black sleeves N m0st pr0pably his pet., the naked m0le rat., Rufus., yup that b0y is Ronald Stoppable.,, 0r R0n stoppable.,, He said "Friends helps frieNds., N0 Matter what.,".,,
I dun really n0e y I p0st diz.,, but I th0ught b0ut it N decide t0 p0st samtiN like diz wheN I was j0ggiNg diz m0rN.,, 1st n 4most.,, N0w.,, I w0uld like U 2 g0 2 y0utube N search 4 these s0ngs.,, remember d0it N0W.,! "True Friend Hannah Montana" or simply g0 2 diz link.,,,, while listeNing t0 the s0ng.,, u can read my post.,,
A FrieNd to me is s0me 0ne wh0 is always there f0r you n0 matter in happy times 0r sad times 0r eveN just a plaiN b0riNg situati0n.,, but he 0 she was the alright.,, I w0uld like t0 rephrase a saying fr0m s0me 0ne that is fam0us with his yell0w hair.,, baggy tr0users., red shirt aNd black sleeves N m0st pr0pably his pet., the naked m0le rat., Rufus., yup that b0y is Ronald Stoppable.,, 0r R0n stoppable.,, He said "Friends helps frieNds., N0 Matter what.,".,,
Ceritera Rakan-Rakanku
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Assalamualaikum to my muslim family and greetiNgs t0 0thers.,
I'm writing this just after the s0ng 'I Remember' by M0cca ended.,, the s0ngs was intr0duced t0 me by my bestest frend yet, Faiz, 0n the l0ss 0f our bel0ved frend Arwah Khairul Nizam Ali Hanafiah.,,
eventh0ugh the s0ng is actually a happy s0ng but the situati0n wheN da 1st time I listened t0 it makes it a very sad s0ng.,, I just d0wnl0aded it.,, after listeNing f0r the first few sec0nds.,, my heart crushed a sudden wave 0f pain and st0rm 0f misery and a huricane 0f loss.,,
then while writing it I listed t0 an0ther sad s0ng entitled ' Ayat-Ayat Cinta" by Rossa.,, it manage to increase the mixtures the s0rrowful em0ti0ns succesfully.,, well that's all.,,
*Missing him*
I'm writing this just after the s0ng 'I Remember' by M0cca ended.,, the s0ngs was intr0duced t0 me by my bestest frend yet, Faiz, 0n the l0ss 0f our bel0ved frend Arwah Khairul Nizam Ali Hanafiah.,,
eventh0ugh the s0ng is actually a happy s0ng but the situati0n wheN da 1st time I listened t0 it makes it a very sad s0ng.,, I just d0wnl0aded it.,, after listeNing f0r the first few sec0nds.,, my heart crushed a sudden wave 0f pain and st0rm 0f misery and a huricane 0f loss.,,
then while writing it I listed t0 an0ther sad s0ng entitled ' Ayat-Ayat Cinta" by Rossa.,, it manage to increase the mixtures the s0rrowful em0ti0ns succesfully.,, well that's all.,,
*Missing him*
Ceritera Rakan-Rakanku
Monday, November 23, 2009
What A Day.,,
Asslamualaikum t0 my m0slem family N greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
Very differeNt fr0m what I always d0 t0day.,, f0r da 1st time I weNt t0 a gym N w0rked 0ut with my pers0nal traiNer ShahzaN.,, w000 h00.,,!! Athletic b0dy here I c0me.,!!
My l0viNg aNd cariNg m0ther unwillingly siGn me In Celebrity Fitness after I've been begging her f0r days.,, at that time I still remember I did hurt her feeliNgs by sayiNg "pe0ple nowdays can see lah Ibu.,, n0t like the 0ldies d0lu" then she reply.,, "t00 bad you have a DUMB m0ther".,, I was strucked by a lightNing 0f sh0ck at that very m0meNt.,, I didnt realise that just by calliNg my m0m 0ld.,, she w0uld have hard feeliNgs.,,
and precisely bef0re 2 o'cl0ck this eveNing I was there., waiting 4 my trainer t0 train me.,, N it was.,.,, PERGH.,!! n0t s0 harsh.,, but I did push myself a bit in there.,, after w0rkiNg 0ut here a bit.,, there a bit.,, I was exhausted., I caNt take it anym0re but t0 pr0ve him that I can.,, I keep g0iNg with a l0t 0f his help.,, haha,, I'm still a dweep.,,
After w0rkiNg 0ut I've enj0yed a m0vie entitled 2012.,, n0t t0 say I d0nt like the m0vie but it d0es N0t leave a deep mark inside me.,, it alm0st makes me cry.,, but it didNt.,, there are s0 many sad scenes.,, aNd s0 many thrilling scenes that was a little bit thrilliNg but n0t s0 thrilling (d0 you uNderstaNd what am I typiNg.,??)., in the eNd it was a happy eNding which all 0f us c0uld aNd w0uld guess c0rrectly.,,t0 me the best act0r f0r me in that st0ry was Mr Anders0n.,, best Her0 Adrian Helmes.,, m0st hands0me Sasha.,, m0st funny the russiaN bussiness maN (sorry Cant remember his name).,, m0st ann0ying the russiaN bussinessmaN's s0ns.,, kay.,, N-E way.,, u sh0uld watch the m0vie but f0r th0se wh0 d0esNt even scared a bit while watching a h0rr0r m0vie.,, this is n0t a m0vie f0r you.,,
lastly tell me what you thiNk a b0ut the m0vie in the c0mmeNt b0x below.,, thank you.,,
Very differeNt fr0m what I always d0 t0day.,, f0r da 1st time I weNt t0 a gym N w0rked 0ut with my pers0nal traiNer ShahzaN.,, w000 h00.,,!! Athletic b0dy here I c0me.,!!
My l0viNg aNd cariNg m0ther unwillingly siGn me In Celebrity Fitness after I've been begging her f0r days.,, at that time I still remember I did hurt her feeliNgs by sayiNg "pe0ple nowdays can see lah Ibu.,, n0t like the 0ldies d0lu" then she reply.,, "t00 bad you have a DUMB m0ther".,, I was strucked by a lightNing 0f sh0ck at that very m0meNt.,, I didnt realise that just by calliNg my m0m 0ld.,, she w0uld have hard feeliNgs.,,
and precisely bef0re 2 o'cl0ck this eveNing I was there., waiting 4 my trainer t0 train me.,, N it was.,.,, PERGH.,!! n0t s0 harsh.,, but I did push myself a bit in there.,, after w0rkiNg 0ut here a bit.,, there a bit.,, I was exhausted., I caNt take it anym0re but t0 pr0ve him that I can.,, I keep g0iNg with a l0t 0f his help.,, haha,, I'm still a dweep.,,
After w0rkiNg 0ut I've enj0yed a m0vie entitled 2012.,, n0t t0 say I d0nt like the m0vie but it d0es N0t leave a deep mark inside me.,, it alm0st makes me cry.,, but it didNt.,, there are s0 many sad scenes.,, aNd s0 many thrilling scenes that was a little bit thrilliNg but n0t s0 thrilling (d0 you uNderstaNd what am I typiNg.,??)., in the eNd it was a happy eNding which all 0f us c0uld aNd w0uld guess c0rrectly.,,t0 me the best act0r f0r me in that st0ry was Mr Anders0n.,, best Her0 Adrian Helmes.,, m0st hands0me Sasha.,, m0st funny the russiaN bussiness maN (sorry Cant remember his name).,, m0st ann0ying the russiaN bussinessmaN's s0ns.,, kay.,, N-E way.,, u sh0uld watch the m0vie but f0r th0se wh0 d0esNt even scared a bit while watching a h0rr0r m0vie.,, this is n0t a m0vie f0r you.,,
lastly tell me what you thiNk a b0ut the m0vie in the c0mmeNt b0x below.,, thank you.,,
Anekdot Kehidupan
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What Do You ThiNk.,??
Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family aNd greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,
I'v e been thiNkiNg al0t these days.,, N 0ne 0f it is my s0ns name.,, s0 what d0 y0u think ab0ut these three names.,???
1. Ahmed Ryan Al-Firdausi
2. Putra Emir Al-Hisyam
3. Ahmed Fasyir Ul-Eizmeer
N I thiNk I waNt my daughters have s0me kiNda 0f these Names.,,
1. Julia
2. Dania
3. Diana
4. Nadia
5. Tania
s0 what d0 you thiNk.,??
please c0mmeNt.,,
I'v e been thiNkiNg al0t these days.,, N 0ne 0f it is my s0ns name.,, s0 what d0 y0u think ab0ut these three names.,???
1. Ahmed Ryan Al-Firdausi
2. Putra Emir Al-Hisyam
3. Ahmed Fasyir Ul-Eizmeer
N I thiNk I waNt my daughters have s0me kiNda 0f these Names.,,
1. Julia
2. Dania
3. Diana
4. Nadia
5. Tania
s0 what d0 you thiNk.,??
please c0mmeNt.,,
Pemikiran dan Pandangan Peribadi
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New Songs
Assalamualaikum to my m0slem br0thers aNd greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
WAAAHHHH.,!!!! I just updated my s0ngs.,, It is n0w the Twilight Soundtrack.,!! I'm such a fan 0n twilight you kn0w.,, the best is River Flows In You by Yiroma 0r better kN0wN as Bella's Lullaby by Carter., here's the list off the s0Ngs queued accordiNg t0 the 0ST.,,
1. Supermassive Black Hole by Muse
2. Decode by Paramore
3. Full M00n by The Black Ghosts
4. Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park
5. Spotlight by MUTEMATH
6. Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) by Perry Farell
7. Tremble For My Beloved by Collective Soul
8. I Caught Myself by Paramore
9. Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation
10. Never Think by Rob Pattinson
11. Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine
12 Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell
WAAAHHHH.,!!!! I just updated my s0ngs.,, It is n0w the Twilight Soundtrack.,!! I'm such a fan 0n twilight you kn0w.,, the best is River Flows In You by Yiroma 0r better kN0wN as Bella's Lullaby by Carter., here's the list off the s0Ngs queued accordiNg t0 the 0ST.,,
1. Supermassive Black Hole by Muse
2. Decode by Paramore
3. Full M00n by The Black Ghosts
4. Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park
5. Spotlight by MUTEMATH
6. Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) by Perry Farell
7. Tremble For My Beloved by Collective Soul
8. I Caught Myself by Paramore
9. Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation
10. Never Think by Rob Pattinson
11. Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine
12 Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell
Anekdot Kehidupan
Friday, November 20, 2009
My Planning.,,
Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem br0thers N greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,
Well t0day is g0ing t0 be a busy day f0 me.,, I guess.,,
I'm g0ing t0 d0 s0me teeth repairing.,, and I d0nt n0e what my teeth will demand t0 get a W0W 0ne.,, but I guess just a c0uple 0f whitening, cavity vanishing aNd its d0ne.,,
after that.,, I will g0 and meet s0me d0ct0rs due t0 my underweight pr0blems.,, I waNt t0 gaIn weight this h0liday s0 that 0N the 5th Jan next year people will like "woah.,!!! Hisham ker tue.,?? leN gler.,!!" what a satisfacti0n.,,
I'm thiNkiNg 0f haviNg my skin treated.,, s0 I guess I will try t0 d0 a l0t 0f researches f0r this part.,,, my liking is n0w new y0rk skin s0luti0n.,, but it is situated at mid valley.,, h0pe n0b0dy sees me g0ing there.,,
lastly I'm g0ing t0 ask my mum t0 g0 t0 KLCC f0r a sal0n named SAW.,, just askiNg f0r s0me advices and prices.,, then t0 AmpeNg park f0r the same reas0n.,,
Well t0day is g0ing t0 be a busy day f0 me.,, I guess.,,
I'm g0ing t0 d0 s0me teeth repairing.,, and I d0nt n0e what my teeth will demand t0 get a W0W 0ne.,, but I guess just a c0uple 0f whitening, cavity vanishing aNd its d0ne.,,
after that.,, I will g0 and meet s0me d0ct0rs due t0 my underweight pr0blems.,, I waNt t0 gaIn weight this h0liday s0 that 0N the 5th Jan next year people will like "woah.,!!! Hisham ker tue.,?? leN gler.,!!" what a satisfacti0n.,,
I'm thiNkiNg 0f haviNg my skin treated.,, s0 I guess I will try t0 d0 a l0t 0f researches f0r this part.,,, my liking is n0w new y0rk skin s0luti0n.,, but it is situated at mid valley.,, h0pe n0b0dy sees me g0ing there.,,
lastly I'm g0ing t0 ask my mum t0 g0 t0 KLCC f0r a sal0n named SAW.,, just askiNg f0r s0me advices and prices.,, then t0 AmpeNg park f0r the same reas0n.,,
Anekdot Kehidupan
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tribute To Khairul Nizam bin Ali Hanafiah

Muhammad Khairul Nizam bin Ali Hanafiah
18.01.1993 - 16.10.2009
24 Rejab 1413 (Tuesday) - 27 Syawal 1430 (Friday)
A Companion, A Friend, A Brother
Here's the s0Ngs as a tribute.,,
1. Best Friend by Kiroro (Japanese)
2. Seasons In The Sun by Westlife
3. Terlalu Istimewa by Adibah Noor (Malay)
4. Viva Forever by Spice Girls
5. Final Goodbye by Rihanna
6. How Do I Live by Leann Rimes
7. You Light Up My Life by Debby Boone
8. I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
Please listen to every and each of the song.,,
the l0ve s0ng I dedicated fr0m th0se wh0 really l0ve him (girl).,,
Ceritera Rakan-Rakanku
I'm Begging You.,,
Assalamualaikum (t0 my m0slem br0s) aNd greetiNs t0 0thers.,,
Today I w0ke up when my m0m ask me where to eat.,,,
well unf0rtunately t0day's my bufday.,
s0 I fell back asleep.,,
after a while (I'm internally sleeping I guess).,,
I heard my dad talking ab0ut s0me0ne.,,
then he said.,,
"KawaN2 dier p0wN kater yg dier ader bg makaNaN sblm dier pergie., dier kater cpt2 da x lamer da"
N0 m0re than a micro sec0nd I g0t up c0z this defenitely Nizam's father (s0rry I w0Nt use Arwah c0z I l0ve him as a frieNd and I d0nt waNt t0 Feel Like He's N0t ar0uNd aNym0re).,,
a weNt 0ut theN I preteNd that I waNt t0 have driNk.,, my thr0at is screamiNg.,
then I tell my m0m that..,
"Ayh tgh ckp NgaN Ali Hanafiah.,"
"huh.,?? ali hanafiah.,??
"Khairul Nizam Ali Hanafiah.,,"
"wh0's this Ali.,??"
"father 0f nizam.,,"
"Kenaper ayh x citer yg dier peluk s0wg2 kwN dier.,??"
"ha.,, pergie ar bg taw.,,!!"
"x per ar.,, dgn s0ra pecah (yer ar bru bgn td0) nie.,??"
s0 I weNt back t0 my pareNts r00m.,
I listen a bit m0re.,,
"kire ader ar amal jariah dier dkt keNgkawan blier dier bg makNn tue.,," dad's p0inting t0 his ph0ne indicating that it's Nizam's dad.,,
"0wh klu nk wat umrah ker haji kerw.,, sy raser bek pergie skewl N taNyer kwn2 dier d0lu.,, maner taw ader hutaNg.,, selesaikan yuran dier NgaN skewl.,, muNgkin cikgu kater x halal kerw.,, selesaikan segala urusaN dier.,,"
dat time.,, I was thinkin.,, why d0Nt we.,,
Nizam's friend.,, with 0ne str0ng v0ice tell his family.,,
S0 please.,,, say that t0 his family.,,,
we l0ve him rite.,??
Today I w0ke up when my m0m ask me where to eat.,,,
well unf0rtunately t0day's my bufday.,
s0 I fell back asleep.,,
after a while (I'm internally sleeping I guess).,,
I heard my dad talking ab0ut s0me0ne.,,
then he said.,,
"KawaN2 dier p0wN kater yg dier ader bg makaNaN sblm dier pergie., dier kater cpt2 da x lamer da"
N0 m0re than a micro sec0nd I g0t up c0z this defenitely Nizam's father (s0rry I w0Nt use Arwah c0z I l0ve him as a frieNd and I d0nt waNt t0 Feel Like He's N0t ar0uNd aNym0re).,,
a weNt 0ut theN I preteNd that I waNt t0 have driNk.,, my thr0at is screamiNg.,
then I tell my m0m that..,
"Ayh tgh ckp NgaN Ali Hanafiah.,"
"huh.,?? ali hanafiah.,??
"Khairul Nizam Ali Hanafiah.,,"
"wh0's this Ali.,??"
"father 0f nizam.,,"
"Kenaper ayh x citer yg dier peluk s0wg2 kwN dier.,??"
"ha.,, pergie ar bg taw.,,!!"
"x per ar.,, dgn s0ra pecah (yer ar bru bgn td0) nie.,??"
s0 I weNt back t0 my pareNts r00m.,
I listen a bit m0re.,,
"kire ader ar amal jariah dier dkt keNgkawan blier dier bg makNn tue.,," dad's p0inting t0 his ph0ne indicating that it's Nizam's dad.,,
"0wh klu nk wat umrah ker haji kerw.,, sy raser bek pergie skewl N taNyer kwn2 dier d0lu.,, maner taw ader hutaNg.,, selesaikan yuran dier NgaN skewl.,, muNgkin cikgu kater x halal kerw.,, selesaikan segala urusaN dier.,,"
dat time.,, I was thinkin.,, why d0Nt we.,,
Nizam's friend.,, with 0ne str0ng v0ice tell his family.,,
S0 please.,,, say that t0 his family.,,,
we l0ve him rite.,??
Ceritera Rakan-Rakanku
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A Tale That Lies Within...
Assalamualaikum aNd greetiNgs.,,
t0day is da 3rd day I'm back at skewl.,,
I w0uld like t0 share s0methiNg that I c0llected thr0ugh 0ut da first three days here.,
0f c0urse it's a b0ut Am.,,
0n the first day 0f skewl.,, which is 0n tuesday.,, I heard that Am is here.,, he was there iN his class.,, this is because the studeNts in there smelled s0methiNg like kapur barus. They inhaled the same air siNce m0rNing until n00n (i guess).,, Pn. Disdi als0 notices the smelled.,, s0 d0es d=this meaN his there.,??
Then that Night.,, while talkiNg ab0ut Am.,, SyazwaN entered my r0om t0 have a chat with his girlfrieNd.,, after fiNish blabbing with his 'dear'.,, he did weNt t0 Nazmy's r00m., that particular time.,, he als0 disc0vered the same 0d0ur that the class D's studeNts breathe that m0rNing.,,
s0 we th0ught that he's there with us.,,
Later that night.,, Am came iN Mal's dream.,, the setting was at class B., Am was sittiNg at Nabil's desk facing Mal wh0 is sittiNg at Afiqah's desk.,, Mal keep her eyes at Am... until Am raises his head aNd l00k directly in her eyes aNd smiled.,, I did heard that during that remarkable time Am wears to a high degree cleaN attire.,, aNd did he shines.,?? I caNt recall.,,
Did I menNti0N dat the very same day he was cast t0 be in eterNal slumber.,, he went back t0 his h0use at TamaN Seri Andalas.,, sedaNgkaN he wasNt takeN anywhere near his h0use., he was driveN directly t0 Kapar., his kampuNg.,, but suddeNly that Night after the funeral (which is on the saturday morNing).,, the kapur barus fumes are everywhere.,,
0h yeah.,, Pingu did dreamt Am t00.,, the setting is inside 0ur block.,, alth0ugh I'm n0t sure is it block K or bl0ck F.,, Here g0es the st0ry.,, Am was walking.,, alm0st at the sairs.,, aNd Pingu saw him.,, he call Am but he seems n0t t0 realize that.,, s0 piNgu call aNd call agaiN but t0 n0 avail.,, s0 pushed by desperati0n he raN aNd hugged Am from behiNd.,, then he cried aNd said.,,
"Nizam,,, aq syg k0.,, Knaper k0 pergie.,??"
then I d0nt kN0w what happeN.,, but 0ne thiNg f0r sure.,, Am said.,,
"Malam Nie aq Nk enj0y masa Nie Ngan smua kwN aq.,!!"
well.,, I did waNt t0 'meet' him.,, but uNtil this day.,, n0thiNg happens.,,
s0 stressful.,,
t0day is da 3rd day I'm back at skewl.,,
I w0uld like t0 share s0methiNg that I c0llected thr0ugh 0ut da first three days here.,
0f c0urse it's a b0ut Am.,,
0n the first day 0f skewl.,, which is 0n tuesday.,, I heard that Am is here.,, he was there iN his class.,, this is because the studeNts in there smelled s0methiNg like kapur barus. They inhaled the same air siNce m0rNing until n00n (i guess).,, Pn. Disdi als0 notices the smelled.,, s0 d0es d=this meaN his there.,??
Then that Night.,, while talkiNg ab0ut Am.,, SyazwaN entered my r0om t0 have a chat with his girlfrieNd.,, after fiNish blabbing with his 'dear'.,, he did weNt t0 Nazmy's r00m., that particular time.,, he als0 disc0vered the same 0d0ur that the class D's studeNts breathe that m0rNing.,,
s0 we th0ught that he's there with us.,,
Later that night.,, Am came iN Mal's dream.,, the setting was at class B., Am was sittiNg at Nabil's desk facing Mal wh0 is sittiNg at Afiqah's desk.,, Mal keep her eyes at Am... until Am raises his head aNd l00k directly in her eyes aNd smiled.,, I did heard that during that remarkable time Am wears to a high degree cleaN attire.,, aNd did he shines.,?? I caNt recall.,,
Did I menNti0N dat the very same day he was cast t0 be in eterNal slumber.,, he went back t0 his h0use at TamaN Seri Andalas.,, sedaNgkaN he wasNt takeN anywhere near his h0use., he was driveN directly t0 Kapar., his kampuNg.,, but suddeNly that Night after the funeral (which is on the saturday morNing).,, the kapur barus fumes are everywhere.,,
0h yeah.,, Pingu did dreamt Am t00.,, the setting is inside 0ur block.,, alth0ugh I'm n0t sure is it block K or bl0ck F.,, Here g0es the st0ry.,, Am was walking.,, alm0st at the sairs.,, aNd Pingu saw him.,, he call Am but he seems n0t t0 realize that.,, s0 piNgu call aNd call agaiN but t0 n0 avail.,, s0 pushed by desperati0n he raN aNd hugged Am from behiNd.,, then he cried aNd said.,,
"Nizam,,, aq syg k0.,, Knaper k0 pergie.,??"
then I d0nt kN0w what happeN.,, but 0ne thiNg f0r sure.,, Am said.,,
"Malam Nie aq Nk enj0y masa Nie Ngan smua kwN aq.,!!"
well.,, I did waNt t0 'meet' him.,, but uNtil this day.,, n0thiNg happens.,,
s0 stressful.,,
Ceritera Rakan-Rakanku
Assalamualaikum and greetings...



Yesterday I was dumdstruck when receiviNg a very mournful news...
A friend of miNe was taken fr0m me...

Allah 'lend' him t0 me iN 3 years t0 get t0 kN0w him..
but n0w.. time has ruN 0ut..
but n0w.. time has ruN 0ut..
s0 He have taken him back..
Ceritera Rakan-Rakanku
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Golongan 1.
Kita boleh lihat hari ini sudah ramai umat islam yang tak sembahyang, bahkan ramai juga yang tak tahu nak sembahyang. Imam Malik kata jatuh kafir kalau tak sembahyang tanpa sebab. Imam Syafi kata jatuh fasik (pun masuk nerakajuga) kalau ia masih yakin sembahyang itu fardu.
Golongan 2.
Orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang secara zahir sahaja, bacaan pun masih tak betul, taklid buta, main ikut-ikut orang saja. Belajar sembahyang maupun secara resmi atau tak resmi tak ada. Ilmu tentang sembahyang tiada. Golongan ini tertolak bahkan berdosa besar dan hidup dalam keadaaan derhaka kepada Allah Taala.
Kita boleh lihat hari ini sudah ramai umat islam yang tak sembahyang, bahkan ramai juga yang tak tahu nak sembahyang. Imam Malik kata jatuh kafir kalau tak sembahyang tanpa sebab. Imam Syafi kata jatuh fasik (pun masuk nerakajuga) kalau ia masih yakin sembahyang itu fardu.
Golongan 2.
Orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang secara zahir sahaja, bacaan pun masih tak betul, taklid buta, main ikut-ikut orang saja. Belajar sembahyang maupun secara resmi atau tak resmi tak ada. Ilmu tentang sembahyang tiada. Golongan ini tertolak bahkan berdosa besar dan hidup dalam keadaaan derhaka kepada Allah Taala.
Islam Itu Indah
Kesilapan Amal di Bulan Ramadhan - Renungan bersama..
Untuk renungan & munasabah diri kita...
Dalam setahun, ada satu bulan yang kedatangannya selalu dinantikan oleh orang-orang beriman. Ia adalah bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
Alhamdulillah,bulan yang sangat kita rindukan itu kini telah tiba.
Pada bulan ini Allah mencurahkan kebaikanNya untuk segenap hamba-hambaNya yang beriman. Di bulan ini, para Sahabat dan As-Salafus Shalih terdahulu selalu berlumba-lumba melakukan kebaikan dan amal ibadah.
Namun kini, keadaan umat Islam sungguh memilukan. Majoriti mereka bukan saja lemah untuk diajak berfastabiqul khairat (berlumba-lumba dalam kebaikan) di bulan yang penuh kemuliaan ini, tetapi sebaliknya mereka sering pula melakukan berbagai kesalahan. Antaranya:
Islam Itu Indah

Turun dari bas, baru lah sisi baik hati ini bergumam; " Andai aku berikan tempat duduk kepada ibu tadi, mungkin pagi hari ini keberkahan dapat kuraih ".
" Siapa tahu redha Allah untuk ku di hari ini dari doa dan terima kasih ibu itu jika saja kuberikan tempat dudukku ... "
Ah.......kenapa baru kemudian diri ini menyesal?
Islam Itu Indah
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I AGREE.,!!!
Assalamualaikum (t0 my m0slem family) aNd greetiN' t0 the 0thers.,,
I've 0nce read iN a newspaper.,, telling us ab0ut
'h0w d0 y0u measure y0ur child's exellentness.,??'
The pers0n writiNg it is 's0meb0dy' which I c0uld N0t recall wh0.,,
he said.,, the learNing system n0wdays are sick.,!!
They want t0 prepare us for da sake 0f ec0n0my., n0t f0r the sake 0f humanity.,,
they waNt us t0 shiNe thr0ugh academic.,,
s0., their plan w0rks.,,
we did measure s0me0ne's excellency by h0w many A's d0es he/she 0btaiNs.,,
he said that we should create 'manusia agung' n0t 'pelajar cemerlaNg'.,
I've 0nce read iN a newspaper.,, telling us ab0ut
'h0w d0 y0u measure y0ur child's exellentness.,??'
The pers0n writiNg it is 's0meb0dy' which I c0uld N0t recall wh0.,,
he said.,, the learNing system n0wdays are sick.,!!
They want t0 prepare us for da sake 0f ec0n0my., n0t f0r the sake 0f humanity.,,
they waNt us t0 shiNe thr0ugh academic.,,
s0., their plan w0rks.,,
we did measure s0me0ne's excellency by h0w many A's d0es he/she 0btaiNs.,,
he said that we should create 'manusia agung' n0t 'pelajar cemerlaNg'.,
Pemikiran dan Pandangan Peribadi
Why caN't we.,,??
Assalamualaikum (to my m0slem family) and greetiN' t0 the 0thers.,,
This is about why can't we greet easily.,??
Today, in the evening.,
My mum ask my bro N me t0 stuff 3 Naritas (or t0t0, 0r c0mferter) iN the car.,
The time is ab0ut 7 (I guess).,
theN we g0 d0wN N put the naritas.,
2 inside the b0ot and an0ther at the back seat.,,
as I makiN' sure everytiNg is neat N tidy (owh., I'm a perfecti0nist.,!!).,,
an English man who we never met bef0re j0gs ar0und the parkiNg l0t.,,
wheN he reach at the place where we are standiN'.,,
This is about why can't we greet easily.,??
Today, in the evening.,
My mum ask my bro N me t0 stuff 3 Naritas (or t0t0, 0r c0mferter) iN the car.,
The time is ab0ut 7 (I guess).,
theN we g0 d0wN N put the naritas.,
2 inside the b0ot and an0ther at the back seat.,,
as I makiN' sure everytiNg is neat N tidy (owh., I'm a perfecti0nist.,!!).,,
an English man who we never met bef0re j0gs ar0und the parkiNg l0t.,,
wheN he reach at the place where we are standiN'.,,
Menegur dan Membetulkan
Assalamualaikum (to my m0slem family) N greetiN's t0 the 0thers.,,
is this the reality.,??
kalau lelaki handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap: woow, cool giler…
Kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap: eh perasan bagus…
Kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat
Perempuan akan kata: nobody’s perfect
Kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat
Perempuan akan cakap: memang….muka pun macam pecah rumah!
Kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yg diganggu
Perempuan akan cakap: wah.. machonya.. macam hero filem!
Kalau lelaki tak handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu
Perempuan akan kata: entah2 kawan dia…
is this the reality.,??
kalau lelaki handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap: woow, cool giler…
Kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap: eh perasan bagus…
Kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat
Perempuan akan kata: nobody’s perfect
Kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat
Perempuan akan cakap: memang….muka pun macam pecah rumah!
Kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yg diganggu
Perempuan akan cakap: wah.. machonya.. macam hero filem!
Kalau lelaki tak handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu
Perempuan akan kata: entah2 kawan dia…
Riang Ria
CaN U beLieve these R D0LL$.,??
Assalamualaikum (to my m0slem family) n greetiN' t0 the 0thers.,,
Riang Ria
Characteristic 0f maN acc0rdin' t0 z0diac
Assalamualaikum (to my moslem family) and greetiNgs t0 0thers.,,
Mari kita lihat rahsia lelaki melalui zodiak... Jgn terlalu taksub.. ia sekadar pengetahuan am.
Adakalanya sebagai seorang lelaki anda masih tidak mengenali diri atau peribadi sendiri. Hanya rakan-rakan di sekeliling yang ikhlas untuk memberitahu anda akan menyatakan setiap kelebihan mahupun kelebihan diri anda. Namun, apakah anda mempunyai rakan yang sanggup berterus-terang? Di sini disenaraikan personaliti lelaki berdasarkan bintang atau zodiak masing-masing. Walaupun tidak kesemuanya benar, namun ia boleh dijadikan panduan. Jika anda memang mempunyai sikap buruk atau kelemahan, anda boleh memperbaiki diri anda.
Badannya tidak tinggi tetapi tetap tegap dan kuat berkerja. Pada badannya banyak bulu,suka bergaul, bersemangat dan bercita-cita, menjadikan dia seorang pemimpin .Dia lebih suka mengarah,berani dan suka menjelajah .Dia tidak tekun ,dia lebih suka memulakan sesuatu tetapi kemudian menyuruh orang lain menyelesaikan kerja itu.Dia mementingkan lahiriah dan mudah bergaul tetapi agak kurang keyakinan ,terutamanya dari segi daya penarik,dia mungkin risau kerana tubuhnya kecil misalnya,kerana ini dia biasanya mencari kawan yang kualitinya kurang berbanding dirinya,dan ini juga menyebabkan dia mudah cemburu dan kurang yakin dalam hubungan dengan wanita. Di samping itu dia merupakan seorang yang panas baran maka selalulah timbul keributan dalam hal berkasih sayang.Nafsu syahwatnya tinggi ,dan apabila mendapat teman hidup ,dia adalah kekasih yang bersemangat dan bernafsu. Padanya cinta adalah amat penting ,kerana dia benci hidup keseorangan ,dan kerana dia merasa bangga ada orang yang sanggup menyerahkan jiwa raganya kepadanya .Ketika mula bercinta dia baik hati ,mudah jenaka dan bersukaria tetapi apabila telah lama berkenalan ,dia selalu menyakitkan hati, curiga dan marah-marah.

Mari kita lihat rahsia lelaki melalui zodiak... Jgn terlalu taksub.. ia sekadar pengetahuan am.
Adakalanya sebagai seorang lelaki anda masih tidak mengenali diri atau peribadi sendiri. Hanya rakan-rakan di sekeliling yang ikhlas untuk memberitahu anda akan menyatakan setiap kelebihan mahupun kelebihan diri anda. Namun, apakah anda mempunyai rakan yang sanggup berterus-terang? Di sini disenaraikan personaliti lelaki berdasarkan bintang atau zodiak masing-masing. Walaupun tidak kesemuanya benar, namun ia boleh dijadikan panduan. Jika anda memang mempunyai sikap buruk atau kelemahan, anda boleh memperbaiki diri anda.


Riang Ria
d0 u remember.,??
Assalamualaikum (to my moslem family) N greetings to the others.,,
> > > > budak2 yg lahir pd thn 90'an mesti
> > > > ingat
> > > > mase skola rendah dulu:
> > > >
> > > > - kat skola ade salesman jual buku
> > > > cerita. ari ni bg list, esok mintak
> > > > duit
> > > > beli walaupun cerita buku tu dah tau.
> > > > salesman susu pon camtu gak.
> > > >
> > > > - kat library, budak2 mmg baca buku tp
> > > > just tengok gamba je. bile ade program
> > > > Nilam, sebok semua nak pinjam buku.
> > > >
> > > > - RMT kat skola mkn x best, tp yg
> > > > budak2 yg lahir pd thn 90'an mesti
> > > > ingat
> > > > mase skola rendah dulu:
> > > >
> > > > - kat skola ade salesman jual buku
> > > > cerita. ari ni bg list, esok mintak
> > > > duit
> > > > beli walaupun cerita buku tu dah tau.
> > > > salesman susu pon camtu gak.
> > > >
> > > > - kat library, budak2 mmg baca buku tp
> > > > just tengok gamba je. bile ade program
> > > > Nilam, sebok semua nak pinjam buku.
> > > >
> > > > - RMT kat skola mkn x best, tp yg
Riang Ria
SeveN w0Nder$ 0f da w0rld.,,
Assalamualaikum (to my m0slem family) n greetin's t0 the 0thers.,,
here's a story that t0uched me.,,
A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall
here's a story that t0uched me.,,
A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall
Riang Ria
$k0oL Ph0ne MeNu.,,
Assalamualaikum (to my moslem family) N greetiN' t0 0thers.,
This is s0methiN' iNterestiN' t0 read (t0 me la.,!!).,,
It's ab0ut a ph0Ne menu that let us think.,, this is g0od 4 the parents.,,
I w0nder if u call ur child sch0ol n this is wat u get.,,:
"Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection:
well.,, it d0es s0uNds real.,!!
This is s0methiN' iNterestiN' t0 read (t0 me la.,!!).,,
It's ab0ut a ph0Ne menu that let us think.,, this is g0od 4 the parents.,,
I w0nder if u call ur child sch0ol n this is wat u get.,,:
"Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection:
- To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1
- To make excuses for why your child did not do his work - Press 2
- To complain about what we do - Press 3- To swear at staff members - Press 4
- To ask why you didn't get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5
- If you want us to raise your child - Press 6
- If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7
- To request another teacher, for the third time this year - Press 8
- To complain about bus transportation - Press 9
-To complain about school lunches - Press 0
- If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behavior, class work, homework and that it's not all the teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day!
- To make excuses for why your child did not do his work - Press 2
- To complain about what we do - Press 3- To swear at staff members - Press 4
- To ask why you didn't get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5
- If you want us to raise your child - Press 6
- If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7
- To request another teacher, for the third time this year - Press 8
- To complain about bus transportation - Press 9
-To complain about school lunches - Press 0
- If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behavior, class work, homework and that it's not all the teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day!
well.,, it d0es s0uNds real.,!!
Riang Ria
Price 4 a chiLd.,,
Assalamualaikum (t0 my m0slem family) N greetiN' t0 0thers.,,,
This is just too good not to pass on to all. Something absolutely positive for a change. I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's nice, The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle income family. Talk about sticker shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition. But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:
· $8,896.66 a year,
· $741.3 month, or
* $171.08 a week.
· That's a mere $24.24 a day!
· Just over a dollar an hour.
Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be "rich." Actually, it is just the opposite.
This is just too good not to pass on to all. Something absolutely positive for a change. I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's nice, The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle income family. Talk about sticker shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition. But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:
· $8,896.66 a year,
· $741.3 month, or
* $171.08 a week.
· That's a mere $24.24 a day!
· Just over a dollar an hour.
Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be "rich." Actually, it is just the opposite.
Riang Ria
Monday, March 16, 2009
Assalamualaikum (to my moslem family) N greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
I've been 0n the Net just n0w and have a peek 0n 0ne of my sk0olmate's profile 0n frieNdster.,, n somethiN' shokiN' was waitin' 4 me there just t0 watch my dissap0iNted face. CaN u imagine all these years.,, the teachers of 0ur sk0ol puts a 120% of eff0rt to make us humaN (c0z m0st of us are Not.,!!) N this is what they give.,??!!! What a humiliatiN' tiNg t0 see.,,,
The boy puts pictureS (with the capital S at the back!) which are half Naked pics.,, they strip d0wN iNt0 their boxers n enj0y a great time at the beach which is called Teluk Cempedak, KuaNtaN, PahaNg (or fam0us as TC for local pe0ple there). Not just half Naked pics but there are s0me pics that is t0tally embarssiNg 4 the studeNts wh0 are g0od iN attitude.,,
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