Monday, November 30, 2009


Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family and greetings t0 the 0thers.,,

I dun really n0e y I p0st diz.,, but I th0ught b0ut it N decide t0 p0st samtiN like diz wheN I was j0ggiNg diz m0rN.,, 1st n 4most.,, N0w.,, I w0uld like U 2 g0 2 y0utube N search 4 these s0ngs.,, remember d0it N0W.,! "True Friend Hannah Montana" or simply g0 2 diz link.,,,, while listeNing t0 the s0ng.,, u can read my post.,,

A FrieNd to me is s0me 0ne wh0 is always there f0r you n0 matter in happy times 0r sad times 0r eveN just a plaiN b0riNg situati0n.,, but he 0 she was the alright.,, I w0uld like t0 rephrase a saying fr0m s0me 0ne that is fam0us with his yell0w hair.,, baggy tr0users., red shirt aNd black sleeves N m0st pr0pably his pet., the naked m0le rat., Rufus., yup that b0y is Ronald Stoppable.,, 0r R0n stoppable.,, He said "Friends helps frieNds., N0 Matter what.,".,,

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Assalamualaikum to my muslim family and greetiNgs t0 0thers.,

I'm writing this just after the s0ng 'I Remember' by M0cca ended.,, the s0ngs was intr0duced t0 me by my bestest frend yet, Faiz, 0n the l0ss 0f our bel0ved frend Arwah Khairul Nizam Ali Hanafiah.,,

eventh0ugh the s0ng is actually a happy s0ng but the situati0n wheN da 1st time I listened t0 it makes it a very sad s0ng.,, I just d0wnl0aded it.,, after listeNing f0r the first few sec0nds.,, my heart crushed a sudden wave 0f pain and st0rm 0f misery and a huricane 0f loss.,,

then while writing it I listed t0 an0ther sad s0ng entitled ' Ayat-Ayat Cinta" by Rossa.,, it manage to increase the mixtures the s0rrowful em0ti0ns succesfully.,, well that's all.,,

*Missing him*

Monday, November 23, 2009

What A Day.,,

Asslamualaikum t0 my m0slem family N greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,

Very differeNt fr0m what I always d0 t0day.,, f0r da 1st time I weNt t0 a gym N w0rked 0ut with my pers0nal traiNer ShahzaN.,, w000 h00.,,!! Athletic b0dy here I c0me.,!!

My l0viNg aNd cariNg m0ther unwillingly siGn me In Celebrity Fitness after I've been begging her f0r days.,, at that time I still remember I did hurt her feeliNgs by sayiNg "pe0ple nowdays can see lah Ibu.,, n0t like the 0ldies d0lu" then she reply.,, "t00 bad you have a DUMB m0ther".,, I was strucked by a lightNing 0f sh0ck at that very m0meNt.,, I didnt realise that just by calliNg my m0m 0ld.,, she w0uld have hard feeliNgs.,,

and precisely bef0re 2 o'cl0ck this eveNing I was there., waiting 4 my trainer t0 train me.,, N it was.,.,, PERGH.,!! n0t s0 harsh.,, but I did push myself a bit in there.,, after w0rkiNg 0ut here a bit.,, there a bit.,, I was exhausted., I caNt take it anym0re but t0 pr0ve him that I can.,, I keep g0iNg with a l0t 0f his help.,, haha,, I'm still a dweep.,,

After w0rkiNg 0ut I've enj0yed a m0vie entitled 2012.,, n0t t0 say I d0nt like the m0vie but it d0es N0t leave a deep mark inside me.,, it alm0st makes me cry.,, but it didNt.,, there are s0 many sad scenes.,, aNd s0 many thrilling scenes that was a little bit thrilliNg but n0t s0 thrilling (d0 you uNderstaNd what am I typiNg.,??)., in the eNd it was a happy eNding which all 0f us c0uld aNd w0uld guess c0rrectly.,,t0 me the best act0r f0r me in that st0ry was Mr Anders0n.,, best Her0 Adrian Helmes.,, m0st hands0me Sasha.,, m0st funny the russiaN bussiness maN (sorry Cant remember his name).,, m0st ann0ying the russiaN bussinessmaN's s0ns.,, kay.,, N-E way.,, u sh0uld watch the m0vie but f0r th0se wh0 d0esNt even scared a bit while watching a h0rr0r m0vie.,, this is n0t a m0vie f0r you.,,

lastly tell me what you thiNk a b0ut the m0vie in the c0mmeNt b0x below.,, thank you.,,

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What Do You ThiNk.,??

Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family aNd greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,

I'v e been thiNkiNg al0t these days.,, N 0ne 0f it is my s0ns name.,, s0 what d0 y0u think ab0ut these three names.,???

1. Ahmed Ryan Al-Firdausi
2. Putra Emir Al-Hisyam
3. Ahmed Fasyir Ul-Eizmeer

N I thiNk I waNt my daughters have s0me kiNda 0f these Names.,,

1. Julia
2. Dania
3. Diana
4. Nadia
5. Tania

s0 what d0 you thiNk.,??
please c0mmeNt.,,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Songs

Assalamualaikum to my m0slem br0thers aNd greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,

WAAAHHHH.,!!!! I just updated my s0ngs.,, It is n0w the Twilight Soundtrack.,!! I'm such a fan 0n twilight you kn0w.,, the best is River Flows In You by Yiroma 0r better kN0wN as Bella's Lullaby by Carter., here's the list off the s0Ngs queued accordiNg t0 the 0ST.,,

1. Supermassive Black Hole by Muse
2. Decode by Paramore
3. Full M00n by The Black Ghosts
4. Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park
5. Spotlight by MUTEMATH
6. Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) by Perry Farell
7. Tremble For My Beloved by Collective Soul
8. I Caught Myself by Paramore
9. Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation
10. Never Think by Rob Pattinson
11. Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine
12 Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell


Friday, November 20, 2009

My Planning.,,

Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem br0thers N greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,

Well t0day is g0ing t0 be a busy day f0 me.,, I guess.,,
I'm g0ing t0 d0 s0me teeth repairing.,, and I d0nt n0e what my teeth will demand t0 get a W0W 0ne.,, but I guess just a c0uple 0f whitening, cavity vanishing aNd its d0ne.,,

after that.,, I will g0 and meet s0me d0ct0rs due t0 my underweight pr0blems.,, I waNt t0 gaIn weight this h0liday s0 that 0N the 5th Jan next year people will like "woah.,!!! Hisham ker tue.,?? leN gler.,!!" what a satisfacti0n.,,

I'm thiNkiNg 0f haviNg my skin treated.,, s0 I guess I will try t0 d0 a l0t 0f researches f0r this part.,,, my liking is n0w new y0rk skin s0luti0n.,, but it is situated at mid valley.,, h0pe n0b0dy sees me g0ing there.,,

lastly I'm g0ing t0 ask my mum t0 g0 t0 KLCC f0r a sal0n named SAW.,, just askiNg f0r s0me advices and prices.,, then t0 AmpeNg park f0r the same reas0n.,,