Friday, November 20, 2009

My Planning.,,

Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem br0thers N greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,

Well t0day is g0ing t0 be a busy day f0 me.,, I guess.,,
I'm g0ing t0 d0 s0me teeth repairing.,, and I d0nt n0e what my teeth will demand t0 get a W0W 0ne.,, but I guess just a c0uple 0f whitening, cavity vanishing aNd its d0ne.,,

after that.,, I will g0 and meet s0me d0ct0rs due t0 my underweight pr0blems.,, I waNt t0 gaIn weight this h0liday s0 that 0N the 5th Jan next year people will like "woah.,!!! Hisham ker tue.,?? leN gler.,!!" what a satisfacti0n.,,

I'm thiNkiNg 0f haviNg my skin treated.,, s0 I guess I will try t0 d0 a l0t 0f researches f0r this part.,,, my liking is n0w new y0rk skin s0luti0n.,, but it is situated at mid valley.,, h0pe n0b0dy sees me g0ing there.,,

lastly I'm g0ing t0 ask my mum t0 g0 t0 KLCC f0r a sal0n named SAW.,, just askiNg f0r s0me advices and prices.,, then t0 AmpeNg park f0r the same reas0n.,,

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