Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I AGREE.,!!!

Assalamualaikum (t0 my m0slem family) aNd greetiN' t0 the 0thers.,,

I've 0nce read iN a newspaper.,, telling us ab0ut
'h0w d0 y0u measure y0ur child's exellentness.,??'

The pers0n writiNg it is 's0meb0dy' which I c0uld N0t recall wh0.,,
he said.,, the learNing system n0wdays are sick.,!!

They want t0 prepare us for da sake 0f ec0n0my., n0t f0r the sake 0f humanity.,,
they waNt us t0 shiNe thr0ugh academic.,,

s0., their plan w0rks.,,
we did measure s0me0ne's excellency by h0w many A's d0es he/she 0btaiNs.,,

he said that we should create 'manusia agung' n0t 'pelajar cemerlaNg'.,

f0r an example.,,
Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee.,, he is a 'maNusia aguNg' N yet he is n0t 'pelajar cemerlaNg'.,,
Datuk Jimmy Choo.,, the fam0us sh0e desigNer.,, he did n0t pass his test with terribly g0od marks.,,
Datuk Siti Nurhaliza.,, she is a 'lepasaN SPM'
M0khtar Dahari.,, a f0otball legeNd.,,

d0es they achieve their success by academic.,,??

S0 h0w did they maNage their life t0 be such a beauty.,??

well 0fc0urse by fiNdiN' their strength.,,!!

it's 0kay t0 n0t be da best iN a class.,,
as l0ng as you can achieve great sucess in either of these three aspects.,,

sp0rts N.,,
......... (s0rry caN't remember)

"the c0untry needs a l0t of 'maNusia AguNg' t0 devel0p.,,
n0t just a sea 0f d0ct0rs.,, acc0uNtaNts.,, Lawyers.,, pil0ts.,," said he.,,

caN y0u name me at least 0ne pers0N dat can match Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramllee's success.,??
s0, this iNf0 is right.,!!

fr0m n0w 0n.,,
N teachers 0ut there.,,

0peN y0ur eyes N d0n't be bliNd.,,
l0ok f0r this 'maNusia aguNg'.,
n0t 'pelajar cemerlaNg'.,!!

th0se wh0 are right brainned are th0se wh0 are right brainned.,,
d0Nt give credits just because he/she achieve straight A's 0r 0Nce 4.0 f0r PNG.,,
his/her shiNe is n0t dat bright n0wdays.,,

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