Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Tale That Lies Within...

Assalamualaikum aNd greetiNgs.,,

t0day is da 3rd day I'm back at skewl.,,
I w0uld like t0 share s0methiNg that I c0llected thr0ugh 0ut da first three days here.,
0f c0urse it's a b0ut Am.,,

0n the first day 0f skewl.,, which is 0n tuesday.,, I heard that Am is here.,, he was there iN his class.,, this is because the studeNts in there smelled s0methiNg like kapur barus. They inhaled the same air siNce m0rNing until n00n (i guess).,, Pn. Disdi als0 notices the smelled.,, s0 d0es d=this meaN his there.,??

Then that Night.,, while talkiNg ab0ut Am.,, SyazwaN entered my r0om t0 have a chat with his girlfrieNd.,, after fiNish blabbing with his 'dear'.,, he did weNt t0 Nazmy's r00m., that particular time.,, he als0 disc0vered the same 0d0ur that the class D's studeNts breathe that m0rNing.,,
s0 we th0ught that he's there with us.,,

Later that night.,, Am came iN Mal's dream.,, the setting was at class B., Am was sittiNg at Nabil's desk facing Mal wh0 is sittiNg at Afiqah's desk.,, Mal keep her eyes at Am... until Am raises his head aNd l00k directly in her eyes aNd smiled.,, I did heard that during that remarkable time Am wears to a high degree cleaN attire.,, aNd did he shines.,?? I caNt recall.,,

Did I menNti0N dat the very same day he was cast t0 be in eterNal slumber.,, he went back t0 his h0use at TamaN Seri Andalas.,, sedaNgkaN he wasNt takeN anywhere near his h0use., he was driveN directly t0 Kapar., his kampuNg.,, but suddeNly that Night after the funeral (which is on the saturday morNing).,, the kapur barus fumes are everywhere.,,

0h yeah.,, Pingu did dreamt Am t00.,, the setting is inside 0ur block.,, alth0ugh I'm n0t sure is it block K or bl0ck F.,, Here g0es the st0ry.,, Am was walking.,, alm0st at the sairs.,, aNd Pingu saw him.,, he call Am but he seems n0t t0 realize that.,, s0 piNgu call aNd call agaiN but t0 n0 avail.,, s0 pushed by desperati0n he raN aNd hugged Am from behiNd.,, then he cried aNd said.,,

"Nizam,,, aq syg k0.,, Knaper k0 pergie.,??"

then I d0nt kN0w what happeN.,, but 0ne thiNg f0r sure.,, Am said.,,

"Malam Nie aq Nk enj0y masa Nie Ngan smua kwN aq.,!!"

well.,, I did waNt t0 'meet' him.,, but uNtil this day.,, n0thiNg happens.,,
s0 stressful.,,

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