Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm Begging You.,,

Assalamualaikum (t0 my m0slem br0s) aNd greetiNs t0 0thers.,,

Today I w0ke up when my m0m ask me where to eat.,,,
well unf0rtunately t0day's my bufday.,
s0 I fell back asleep.,,

after a while (I'm internally sleeping I guess).,,
I heard my dad talking ab0ut s0me0ne.,,
then he said.,,

"KawaN2 dier p0wN kater yg dier ader bg makaNaN sblm dier pergie., dier kater cpt2 da x lamer da"

N0 m0re than a micro sec0nd I g0t up c0z this defenitely Nizam's father (s0rry I w0Nt use Arwah c0z I l0ve him as a frieNd and I d0nt waNt t0 Feel Like He's N0t ar0uNd aNym0re).,,
a weNt 0ut theN I preteNd that I waNt t0 have driNk.,, my thr0at is screamiNg.,

then I tell my m0m that..,
"Ayh tgh ckp NgaN Ali Hanafiah.,"
"huh.,?? ali hanafiah.,??
"Khairul Nizam Ali Hanafiah.,,"
"wh0's this Ali.,??"
"father 0f nizam.,,"
"Kenaper ayh x citer yg dier peluk s0wg2 kwN dier.,??"
"ha.,, pergie ar bg taw.,,!!"
"x per ar.,, dgn s0ra pecah (yer ar bru bgn td0) nie.,??"

s0 I weNt back t0 my pareNts r00m.,
I listen a bit m0re.,,

"kire ader ar amal jariah dier dkt keNgkawan blier dier bg makNn tue.,," dad's p0inting t0 his ph0ne indicating that it's Nizam's dad.,,
"0wh klu nk wat umrah ker haji kerw.,, sy raser bek pergie skewl N taNyer kwn2 dier d0lu.,, maner taw ader hutaNg.,, selesaikan yuran dier NgaN skewl.,, muNgkin cikgu kater x halal kerw.,, selesaikan segala urusaN dier.,,"

dat time.,, I was thinkin.,, why d0Nt we.,,
Nizam's friend.,, with 0ne str0ng v0ice tell his family.,,


S0 please.,,, say that t0 his family.,,,
we l0ve him rite.,??

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