Monday, November 23, 2009

What A Day.,,

Asslamualaikum t0 my m0slem family N greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,

Very differeNt fr0m what I always d0 t0day.,, f0r da 1st time I weNt t0 a gym N w0rked 0ut with my pers0nal traiNer ShahzaN.,, w000 h00.,,!! Athletic b0dy here I c0me.,!!

My l0viNg aNd cariNg m0ther unwillingly siGn me In Celebrity Fitness after I've been begging her f0r days.,, at that time I still remember I did hurt her feeliNgs by sayiNg "pe0ple nowdays can see lah Ibu.,, n0t like the 0ldies d0lu" then she reply.,, "t00 bad you have a DUMB m0ther".,, I was strucked by a lightNing 0f sh0ck at that very m0meNt.,, I didnt realise that just by calliNg my m0m 0ld.,, she w0uld have hard feeliNgs.,,

and precisely bef0re 2 o'cl0ck this eveNing I was there., waiting 4 my trainer t0 train me.,, N it was.,.,, PERGH.,!! n0t s0 harsh.,, but I did push myself a bit in there.,, after w0rkiNg 0ut here a bit.,, there a bit.,, I was exhausted., I caNt take it anym0re but t0 pr0ve him that I can.,, I keep g0iNg with a l0t 0f his help.,, haha,, I'm still a dweep.,,

After w0rkiNg 0ut I've enj0yed a m0vie entitled 2012.,, n0t t0 say I d0nt like the m0vie but it d0es N0t leave a deep mark inside me.,, it alm0st makes me cry.,, but it didNt.,, there are s0 many sad scenes.,, aNd s0 many thrilling scenes that was a little bit thrilliNg but n0t s0 thrilling (d0 you uNderstaNd what am I typiNg.,??)., in the eNd it was a happy eNding which all 0f us c0uld aNd w0uld guess c0rrectly.,,t0 me the best act0r f0r me in that st0ry was Mr Anders0n.,, best Her0 Adrian Helmes.,, m0st hands0me Sasha.,, m0st funny the russiaN bussiness maN (sorry Cant remember his name).,, m0st ann0ying the russiaN bussinessmaN's s0ns.,, kay.,, N-E way.,, u sh0uld watch the m0vie but f0r th0se wh0 d0esNt even scared a bit while watching a h0rr0r m0vie.,, this is n0t a m0vie f0r you.,,

lastly tell me what you thiNk a b0ut the m0vie in the c0mmeNt b0x below.,, thank you.,,

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