Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ThaNk G0d.,!!!

Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family and greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,

well I've g0t a great news t0 tell.,, well its a pers0nal thing really.,, n0ne 0f you will be s000oo interested t0 what I'm g0ing t0 say.,, but I want it t0 be a p0st.,, s0.,, this is it.,,

0n 14 of december, 5.10 pm. my father delivered a great news ab0ut us fr0m The H0ly Land, Makkah., he said that..,,

"To wife, Amirul & Amirah: Alhamdulillah, Amirah dah dpt tkar ke MRSM KKB. Lapor diri 4 Jan. 4 Jan! Happy birthday to you... Tlg gi amik srat di Palladium."

s0.,, thats it.,, we are g0ing t0 the same sch0ol again.,, as we already did thr0ugh out 0ur study at Sek0lah Kebangsaan Jalan Gurney (2).,, s0.,, watch out F2.,, there are al0t 0f your frieNds that have their siblings in the c0llege.,, and I'm planning t0 keep an eye 0n my sis.,, thus., if I heard any0ne.,, I mean ANY0NE.,, hurts her.,, especially her feeliNgs.,, you are g0ing t0 HELL.,!! s0 you better watch out.,,

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