Monday, November 30, 2009


Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family and greetings t0 the 0thers.,,

I dun really n0e y I p0st diz.,, but I th0ught b0ut it N decide t0 p0st samtiN like diz wheN I was j0ggiNg diz m0rN.,, 1st n 4most.,, N0w.,, I w0uld like U 2 g0 2 y0utube N search 4 these s0ngs.,, remember d0it N0W.,! "True Friend Hannah Montana" or simply g0 2 diz link.,,,, while listeNing t0 the s0ng.,, u can read my post.,,

A FrieNd to me is s0me 0ne wh0 is always there f0r you n0 matter in happy times 0r sad times 0r eveN just a plaiN b0riNg situati0n.,, but he 0 she was the alright.,, I w0uld like t0 rephrase a saying fr0m s0me 0ne that is fam0us with his yell0w hair.,, baggy tr0users., red shirt aNd black sleeves N m0st pr0pably his pet., the naked m0le rat., Rufus., yup that b0y is Ronald Stoppable.,, 0r R0n stoppable.,, He said "Friends helps frieNds., N0 Matter what.,".,,

I d0 have a l0t 0f friends but t0 little 0f theM ar entitled gewd freNds and fewer best frieNds N i guess n0ne manage t0 achieve the higest title 0f all.,, SAHABAT.,, my thick small but fragile heart always crushed with0ut any mercy by the 0ne wh0 I called friends.,, and I always write a p0em about that thing.,, m0stly it themes sadness.,, betrayals., aNger.,, here's 0ne 0f them.,,

One word,
six letters.
It takes just a second to say
It takes just a corner of a page.

But what it d0es t0 this w0rld,
is unimaginable.

When we put B.E.S.T. before it,
it will become your companion
from here to there
from sunrise until the sunrises again
to do this and to do that.
All the feelings are shared
Happiness, joy, curiosity, enthusiasm, anxiuos
shocked, worried, sick, frustrated, angry.

when we add F.O.R.E.V.E.R. after those words,
magic will form.
The storng bond.
The strong hands.
Holding together to face everything,
climbing together to the peak,
waving together to say farewell.

But in the end,
After receiving insults, bruises, injuries, misery and pain
There's always light to show the path
To a place that even kids have not set foot on.
A place where the blue sky is more welcoming.
A place where the green leaves are more charming.
A place where the animals are happy to see you.

Thank you, thank you BEST FRIEND,

-09.30 pm-
-my desk-

Samtin that I wr0te when my heart was br0keN after watching a freNd was n0 l0Nger miNe.,,

tell me what d0 you thiNk b0ut FweNds.,, and what you thiNk bout my immatured p0em.,, (latest was f0r Tunas Saintis., much.,, much.,, much l0nger and better).,,

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