Sunday, November 22, 2009

What Do You ThiNk.,??

Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family aNd greetiNg t0 the 0thers.,,

I'v e been thiNkiNg al0t these days.,, N 0ne 0f it is my s0ns name.,, s0 what d0 y0u think ab0ut these three names.,???

1. Ahmed Ryan Al-Firdausi
2. Putra Emir Al-Hisyam
3. Ahmed Fasyir Ul-Eizmeer

N I thiNk I waNt my daughters have s0me kiNda 0f these Names.,,

1. Julia
2. Dania
3. Diana
4. Nadia
5. Tania

s0 what d0 you thiNk.,??
please c0mmeNt.,,

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