Friday, December 18, 2009


Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family aNd greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,

Pergh.,, This is 0ne 0ut 0f the w0rld m0vie.,!!! weNt t0 watch it 0n the premire day.,, third sh0w.,, with my frieNds.,, the effect was bedazzliNg., the pl0t was heart-st0ppiNg.,, after the m0vie ended my friends aNd I caNt st0p thiNkiNg b0ut it.,, we did even imagiNed the st0ry.,, we just caNt let it 0ut 0f 0ur head.,, I tell you.,, you need t0 see this m0vie.,, really2 need t0 watch it.,,!! it's the best m0vie ever f0r this 2nd half 0f the year.,,

Its a st0ry b0ut a man Named Jake Sully.,, replaced his twiN br0ther's place as the driver 0f Avatar.,, a mixture 0f human genes and the Na'vi's., they were c0ntr0led by using humans mind.,, f0r Jake.,, t0 get be able t0 walk agaiN after a marine disaster.,, it was like a dream c0mes true.,, he was selected due t0 the same genes.,, thus jake can access this avatar.,

theN he went f0r his 1st field w0rk.,, unf0rtunately.,, he was l0st.,, 0r rather chased by a Pand0ra's m0nster t0 death until he was l0st.,, then he was saved by a Na'vi next Tsahik named Neytiri.,, then the peri0d 0f learNing.,, the understaNding.,, the l0ve.,, everything bl0ss0ms.,, gr0ws.,, but.,, there was a slight speck 0f mud that ruined everything.,, the ub0tanium (can't remember the spelling.,,) that s0ld 20 milli0n bucks f0r a kil0., that was the 0nly reas0n humans invaded Pand0ra.,, Jake Sully is in this.,,

He helps the bad guys t0 learN everythiNg b0ut Na'vi.,, because their 'village' the Hometree.,, happeNs t0 be dierectly on top of a mass number 0f ubt0nium (I guess this is the right spelliNg) as far as 100 kilometres in every directi0ns.,, Jake was given 3 m0nths t0 evacuate the place.,, but 0n the last day.,, he fall in l0ve with Neytiri.,,

TheN the teNse starts t0 take place.,, the pl0t received a great impact.,, I will n0t tell you the wh0le st0ry but just a few sp0ilers might n0t hurt.,,

1. Jake Sully makes l0ves with Neytiri
2. Jake Sully is the next T0ruk Macto (what's a T0ruk Mact0.,?? fiNd it y0urself)
3. Grace didN't Make it ( t0 what.,?? AgaiN.,, find it y0urselves)
4. Eywa heards Jakes' prayers.,,

well.,, f0ur is en0ugh I thiNk.,, 0h.,, bef0re I end.,, the s0ng you are listeNing rite n0w is 'I See You' by Leona Lewis.,, the theme s0ng f0r Avatar.,, l0ve it.,!!

tell me what you thiNk ab0ut avatar after you watch it.,, you like it.,?? dislike it.,?? did you n0tice flaw(s).,, ( I d0n't.,,!!) 0r you caN even tell me b0ut the s0ng.,, just c0mment bel0w.,,

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