Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why caN't we.,,??

Assalamualaikum (to my m0slem family) and greetiN' t0 the 0thers.,,

This is about why can't we greet easily.,??

Today, in the evening.,

My mum ask my bro N me t0 stuff 3 Naritas (or t0t0, 0r c0mferter) iN the car.,
The time is ab0ut 7 (I guess).,

theN we g0 d0wN N put the naritas.,
2 inside the b0ot and an0ther at the back seat.,,

as I makiN' sure everytiNg is neat N tidy (owh., I'm a perfecti0nist.,!!).,,
an English man who we never met bef0re j0gs ar0und the parkiNg l0t.,,

wheN he reach at the place where we are standiN'.,,

he st0ps N puts his palms at ma' br0's red cheeks N said.,,

"Apa Khabar.,??"

N t0 be da maNners 0f p0liteNess ma' br0 replied.,,

"Khabar baik.,"

after receiviNg dat aNswer he takes 0ff t0 c0ntiNue his j0g.,,

Here I waNt t0 ask s0metiN'.,
why d0n't we d0 dat.,??

he's an English maN., he is frieNdly., he d0es n0t care with wh0 he speaks as l0ng as he has dat relati0nship.,,
N he speaks malay just t0 ask

"h0w are y0u.,??"

why can't we d0 dat.,,

wheN we see 0thers anywhere., anytime.,, why caN't we say

"Assalamualaikum" or

Can aNy0ne give me a gud reas0n.,,

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