Monday, March 16, 2009


Assalamualaikum (to my moslem family) N greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,

I've been 0n the Net just n0w and have a peek 0n 0ne of my sk0olmate's profile 0n frieNdster.,, n somethiN' shokiN' was waitin' 4 me there just t0 watch my dissap0iNted face. CaN u imagine all these years.,, the teachers of 0ur sk0ol puts a 120% of eff0rt to make us humaN (c0z m0st of us are Not.,!!) N this is what they give.,??!!! What a humiliatiN' tiNg t0 see.,,,

The boy puts pictureS (with the capital S at the back!) which are half Naked pics.,, they strip d0wN iNt0 their boxers n enj0y a great time at the beach which is called Teluk Cempedak, KuaNtaN, PahaNg (or fam0us as TC for local pe0ple there). Not just half Naked pics but there are s0me pics that is t0tally embarssiNg 4 the studeNts wh0 are g0od iN attitude.,,

Acc0rdiN' t0 my instiNct (which is 0fteNly c0rrect..,,) 3 0f da b0yz, includiN' the 0wner 0f the profile, weNt to an0ther b0y's house and stayed there. 0ne day they weNt 0ut t0 TC (which is undecided t0 g0 earlier).,, th0se wh0 are far.,, waNted t0 g0 4 a swim., they d0N't waNt to miss this 0ppurtunity 0fcourse! So, because the ageNda was n0t plaNned earlier.,, s0 those wh0 are far.,, d0 n0t briNg their pr0per swimmiN' cl0thes (track suit.,, shorts.., white tee., etc,, etc) thats why they need t0 strip d0wN iNto their boxers (iNfr0nt 0f every body.,??).,, or they just being lazy., not t0 briNg any pr0per swimmiN' clothes,, c0z in their mind they just have filthy, old, and empty braiNs I persume.,,

well.,, these b0yz need a seri0us attitude check.,!!
here are s0me of the pictures (I have pixelate their eyez to decrease their embarassmeNt).,,

well I'm writiN' this to make the others N 4 myself reminded n0t t0 do this.,,!!

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