Sunday, May 2, 2010

T0uched my Heart.,,

Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family and greetiNs t0 0thers.,,

I f0uNd this p0em.,, In 'that' person's bl0g.,, l0oks like he likes p0em.,, well.,, thaNkz f0r everythiNg.,,

U are my passion,
eVerywhere i g0,i h0pe U arE here by mY siDe,
U make me laugh,
U are als0 the reas0n f0r this tears,
when i'm away, i can't wait 2 get back t0 see U,
because i always weep al0ne with0ut U,
and U d0n't eveN care.

Horses fr0m driftw0od.,,

Assalamualaikum to my m0slem family N greetiNs' t0 0thers.,,



Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family N greetiN's t0 0thers.,,

Things that make you say..,, Ya Allah.,,!!