Sunday, May 2, 2010

T0uched my Heart.,,

Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family and greetiNs t0 0thers.,,

I f0uNd this p0em.,, In 'that' person's bl0g.,, l0oks like he likes p0em.,, well.,, thaNkz f0r everythiNg.,,

U are my passion,
eVerywhere i g0,i h0pe U arE here by mY siDe,
U make me laugh,
U are als0 the reas0n f0r this tears,
when i'm away, i can't wait 2 get back t0 see U,
because i always weep al0ne with0ut U,
and U d0n't eveN care.

hEre n therE i g0,
h0ping that we'll meet accidentally,
n if U're hurt,
i pr0mise i'll take the pain away,
i w0n't want U t0 get hurt,
pUt the bLame 0n mE if i did,
it's all my fault...
kn0wing U is the gift 0f g0d,
that i d0n't prepare f0r....
l0viNg u is tHe main idea,
buT U d0'nt kN0w,
miSSing U has been mY c0mpani0n,
t0 g0 thru the day,
with0ut ur 'Hye's' n Hello's',
it's been a while since we talk,
i just want U t0 kn0w that i d0n't l0ve U because 0f wh0 U are,0r what U are,
it just happened,
n agaiN it is s0mething that i d0n't prepare f0r,
c0z maybe ur l0ve isn't mine..
n i h0pe we'll meet again,
maybe after my PMR,
i'll maKe sure that we'll meet agaiN.
U caN takE my w0rd f0r it.
truSt me....

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