Assalamualaikum t0 my m0slem family aNd greetiNgs t0 the 0thers.,,
did u ever th0ught "Knaperlah si hisham Ny ltk dier Nyer nama bl0g: Subconcious Mind.,??" well.,, the real purp0se f0r me t0 ch0ose the name is maiNly because:
- I waNt t0 write things that are n0t realized by 0thers.,,
- s0methiNg that is n0t in a c0nci0us miNd.,,
- something that one kn0ws but ch0ose t0 ign0re.,,
- s0methiNg that need a c0nstant reminder.,,
- easy t0 say s0mething that we d0Nt n0e
- and we refuse 0r even do n0t have aNy purp0se t0 n0e b0ut it.,,
thus it is called subconcious mind.,, a bl0g that tell things that we shud see but we caNt.,,